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Play: Noodoll's DIY counting seeds game-Scout & Co

Play: Noodoll's DIY counting seeds game

Make learning to count fun with Noodoll’s sweet DIY game for you to print, make and play

Noodoll game

1. Download the template here and print out onto thick white paper.

2. Cut out your Ricebonbon watermelon template.

3. Cut out your dice template. Make sure you don’t cut off the tabs – you’ll need them to glue it together!

Steps 1-3

4. On the number 2, cut along the line with a craft knife.

5. Fold each square along the edges, then apply glue along the edges of the tabs (apart for the one on number 6).

6. Put your dice together by gluing it to make a square, and slot the last unglued tab into the 2 to close your dice.

Steps 4-6

7. Make watermelon seeds with black paper and a hole punch or coffee beans.

8. Start playing: ask the child to roll the dice and count out the correct number of seeds to put on Ricebonbon’s watermelon.

9. Try making two dice and use the game to learn to add as well!

Steps 7-9 

Read our interview with Noodoll founder, Yiying Wang, in our online magazine here!

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