Style It My Way SS19: Rida Suleri-Johnson

Tell us a bit about yourself…
'We are Brummies, so we live in Birmingham! Both girls were born in East Sussex though, and we do miss the seaside and some of our favourite cafes. The fresh air, too. The pollution in Brum is something that really worries me. I am a stay-at-home mama, but I also work as a content creator, photographer and Instagrammer. It's work I have built very, very slowly around being at home with my babes. It's been an honour to see them grow and change and become so independent. The girls are 2 and 4, but not too far away from being 3 and 5 and that feels so wild.'
Tell us about the shoot…
'I decided to use my bedroom and upstairs in the house as the shoot location. The weather wasn't great but we caught some good light! I love the grey wall in my room – it always makes for a good background. I wanted the girls to feel comfortable in knowing their surroundings and have their toys around them because I knew that lots of change of clothes could be disastrous otherwise. They were absolutely amazing though. Easy breezy. Phew!'
What do you like to dress your kids in?
'I love dresses: long, tunic, shirt, T-shirt, twirly... all kinds! They're so versatile and fun – you can throw on jeans, leggings, tights or fun statement socks. Plus, the girls find it easy to dress themselves. But I also LOVE a good pair of dungarees!'
What do they love to wear?
'Dresses for sure – for the above reasons! But Zora loves skirts and these cute culottes she has too. Dalia really adores dresses she can spin in AKA "pinny dresses".'
Do they like to dress the same?
'Yes! They quite like matchy-matchy things. But they naturally have quite similar tastes when they choose things.'
What are your favourite SS19 pieces and brands?
'Zora's favourite was the fringed octopus cardi by Maed for Mini. I love that she loved that! I would definitely buy oversized so it could last for the year – over summery dresses with sandals or with jeans and pumps… Dalia's favourite was actually something we didn't take pictures in – the Mini Rodini crocodile dress.
Personally, I love anything that Bobo Choses makes, especially as you can get matching pieces for grown-ups! But I also loved all of the Main Story pieces – they are so, so gorgeous. I love a small brand called Devons Drawer, too. They make some gorgeous, adventure-friendly clothing.'
What do you like best about spring/summer?
'Signs of spring, or as Zora used to say when she was little, "tiny springs" . The buds appearing on trees, magnolia and camellias blooming. First blossom. The growing sound of twittering birds and the return of light. It's so symbolic and beautiful. In summer, it has to be the long, drawn-out evenings. Late evening park wanders. Al fresco dining and picnics. The smell of earth on super-hot days.'
What do your kids like to do in spring/summer?
'I like them to notice the small changes in season. How it gets darker or brighter, what sort of plants you see. But whatever the season, we love being amongst nature! National Trust places are perfect whatever the weather and we really love trying to go to as many as we can that are near to us. Fortunately there are lots!
And they both really love doing that – especially if it involves finding sticks. Give them dirt, water and sticks, and they're happy!'
Follow Rida on Instagram: @beforeandagain_ and find her website here: