Style It My Way SS19: Kelly Goyette
For the last instalment in our Style It My Way SS19 series, we asked photographer Kelly Goyette to style and photograph her beautiful redhead girls in our spring/summer collections. Iris and Ivy wear Bobo Choses, Maed For Mini, The Campamento, Beau Loves, The Animals Observatory and more. Scroll to see the shoot, shop the looks and read Kelly's Q&A.

ivy wears: The Campamento dress and The Animals Observatory sweatshirt.

Ivy wears: Main Story dungarees and The Animals Observatory tee.
Iris wears: Maed For Mini cardigan, The Campamento sweatshirt and The Animals Observatory shorts
Iris wears: Maed For Mini cardigan, The Campamento sweatshirt and The Animals Observatory shorts

Iris wears: The Animals Observatory playsuit. Ivy wears: Bobo Choses dress

Ivy wears: Bobo Choses cropped sweatshirt and Fresh Dinosaurs skirt.
Iris wears: Maed For Mini swimsuit and The Campamento shorts

Tell us a bit about yourself…
'I live in Essex with my husband and our four kids, two big kids and two littles. I work as an accountant and a photographer: I love the balance of structure and creativity, I could never do one without the other! We love to travel and explore new places rain or shine. I'm always trying to plan the next adventure!'
How did you get into photography?
What do you like to dress your kids in?
'Oh, I have had to learn to let go a bit… Ivy is now nine and she is certainly developing her own ideas about fashion, which, of course, is lovely. I still get to play with and influence Iris' choices though. I love neutral colours and layering.'
What do they love to wear?
Do they like to dress the same?
What do you like best about spring/summer?
'I love the longer lighter days, spending our days outside with family and friends.'
What do your kids like to do in spring/summer?
Follow Kelly on Instagram: @kellyanngoyette and see her photography website:
'I bought a camera when my first daughter Ivy was born and that's when the obsession began!'
Tell us about the shoot…
'It was a "spring like" day – sunny and freezing, haha. We started off at home and then went down to the landing platform at Tilbury dock – it's a wonderful, colourful open space besides the Thames Estuary.'
What do you like to dress your kids in?
'Oh, I have had to learn to let go a bit… Ivy is now nine and she is certainly developing her own ideas about fashion, which, of course, is lovely. I still get to play with and influence Iris' choices though. I love neutral colours and layering.'
What do they love to wear?
'Ivy loves swimwear, cropped tops, dungarees and shorts. You will see her favourite pieces in this shoot. Iris is into pink, pretty, frilly, shiny, sparkly… she absolutely loves dressing up. She's really great at mixing pieces, so we don't end up with every outfit looking like fancy dress!'
Do they like to dress the same?
'I used to love dressing the girls the same when they were small, but they have pretty much grown out of it, sob… Well Ivy has anyway. Iris loves to copy Ivy – I find cute, Ivy not so much, haha.'
What are your favourite SS19 pieces and brands?
What are your favourite SS19 pieces and brands?
'I love the Maed For Mini collection: the colour palette and textures are so beautiful. Bobo Choses is always a winner. This season's cropped pieces are winning with my pre-teen. Main Story is another firm favourite with glorious prints and basics. I love that these pieces can roll through the seasons and be layered up, meaning they work all year round. The leopard-print T-shirt, dungarees and striped playsuit are my top picks.'
What do you like best about spring/summer?
'I love the longer lighter days, spending our days outside with family and friends.'
What do your kids like to do in spring/summer?
'They love to be outdoors. We spend as much time as possible at the beach, the park, out and about on scooters… Ivy is a big fan of the sea and would happily spend all day in the water with a body board.'
Follow Kelly on Instagram: @kellyanngoyette and see her photography website: