Style It My Way SS19: Izzy Pugh
We're excited to welcome Izzy Pugh back to our Style It My Way series. This time, with Minnow, the new addition to her family, too! We asked her to photograph her three children in her favourite pieces from our SS19 collections. Here are the beautiful results…
Minnow: The Animals Observatory bodysuit, Maed For Mini leggings.
Finn: Fresh Dinsoaurs tee, Bobo Choses pants, Beau Loves hat
'We are a family of five living in Acton. Our twins, Finn and Iza are five years old and Minnow has just turned one. I’ve always been a big lover of fashion. Aged 8 in the 80s, I insisted on a bad crew cut and wore awesome yellow-and-turquoise polka dot culotte suits with matching headbands. My style has gone down hill since then but I absolutely love the imagination and creativity of kid's fashion today, there's a magic to it that is hard to find in adult clothing.'
Where did you take the photos?
What do you like to dress your kids in?
‘I’m a sucker for crazy prints and quirky stories and would pattern clash all day every day. I look for clothes that trigger Finn and Iza’s imagination: a "cat cardi", a "ninja suit" or the double brim cap from Bobo Choses that Finn calls his 'backwards forwards hat'. Nowadays I never buy anything without checking with them first and I let them pick out their own outfits, I love seeing how they put things together and explain their choices ("because of course hot dogs go best with flowers Mummy" or "because today i am an artist so I'm wearing my beret").'
What do they love to wear?
'They are both happiest in clothes they can be kids in: leggings, shorts and T-shirts that mean they can run, jump and climb trees, but they also both love colours and patterns. Iza is mad about metallic leggings at the moment and anything denim. Her favourite accessory is sunglasses. I think that's because it makes her feel grown-up – she likes to polish them a lot! Finn will always choose shorts and a T-shirt whatever the weather and mostly likes to accessorise with a bow and arrow.'
What are your favourite SS19 pieces and brands?What are you looking forward to this summer?
What do your kids like to do on sunny days?